Our business consulting services

In the past, strategy determined technology. Today, technology determines strategy.

Business Consulting

We provide exclusive management services and strategic advice to all our clients in our six areas of activity.


We support our CIB clients in projects related to the optimization and improvement of front-to-back processes for capital markets and treasury products. We also manage and execute the implementation of new functionalities, systems and products (mainly Fixed Income, Derivatives, Equities and FX), including process reengineering and KPI monitoring projects.


Our team of regulatory and compliance experts accompany financial institutions in the understanding, conceptualization, management and industrialization of both internal and external requirements, participating in the implementation and adaptation of their systems, as well as in the optimization of their processes. We provide front-to-back support at both functional and technical levels, ensuring that expectations are met and mitigating risk.


We assist global financial institutions in the end-to-end management of transactional banking and debt financing products; optimizing their clients' liquidity and working capital, financing international trade or through simple, syndicated or structured loans.


Our team of functional and technical experts has extensive knowledge and experience in the analysis, measurement and management of market, credit and operational risks. We work on methodological and regulatory projects to help our clients comply with regulations, optimize their risk calculation and monitoring processes, and develop robust operational models.

Change Management

Acompañamos a nuestros clientes en la gestión de proyectos funcionales y tecnológicos, utilizando metodologías ágiles y tradicionales para asegurar la correcta implementación de soluciones innovadoras. Además, facilitamos la gestión del cambio, preparando a las organizaciones y sus equipos para adaptarse eficientemente a nuevas dinámicas y herramientas, garantizando una transición fluida y exitoso cumplimiento de objetivos estratégicos.

Technology Consulting

We work with the most advanced technologies and agile models to accompany our clients in the digitalisation and optimisation of processes and services.


We carry out Mainframe projects for banks, insurance companies, and automotive customers, taking advantage of our experience in COBOL/CICS/DB2, JCL (runtime scripting), and Control-M technologies.

BI - Data & Analytics

We design and deliver advanced Business Intelligence technologies to our clients, taking a step forward in their strategic and digital transformation journey.

Developement, QA y Cloud

From design to testing and deployment, we are experts in agile project management for system transformation, cloud migration and DevOps (Azure/AWS).


Realizamos proyectos Mainframe para bancos, aseguradoras y clientes del sector de la automoción, aprovechando nuestra experiencia en tecnologías COBOL/CICS/DB2, JCL (secuencias de comandos de ejecución) y Control-M.

BI - Data & Analytics

Somos expertos en diseñar y entregar tecnologías avanzadas de Business Intelligence a nuestros clientes, dando un paso adelante en su viaje estratégico y de transformación digital.

Desarrollo, QA y Cloud

Somos expertos en la gestión de proyectos ágiles de transformación de sistemas, migración a la nube y DevOps (Azure/AWS), desde el diseño, hasta las pruebas y el despliegue.

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Vendor Solutions

Área especializada en consultoría tecnológica asociada a plataformas de terceros.


A market-leading all-in-one financial platform with a service-oriented and user-friendly design that enables multi-entity banks to successfully meet the diverse demands of the market.


State-of-the-art set of financial software solutions scalable and adaptable to today's dynamic market needs and customer requirements for understanding, modelling, and valuing complex financial structures.


The TIBCO solution allows us to communicate applications to each other by exchanging data and using the services that each offers, boosting operational scalability and flexibility to face and solve new challenges in a cost-effective way.

System risk

Alveo offers a set of solutions that enable the management of banking data, pricing, reference data and corporate events.

Integrated investment system

Financial platform whose objective is to cover BackOffice tasks focusing on the administration of investment portfolios for Collective Investment Institutions (CII's), investment funds, and pension funds. Its use also extends to the management of trading and investment portfolios.


Financial platform used for BackOffice management. Its objective is to carry out all the tasks of a banking BackOffice, covering all the operations of the institutions, from derivatives to fixed income, including the Money Market (MM) and the Foreign Exchange Market (FX).

Digital Transformation

We have a wide range of services, which are specially designed to support our Clients at every stage of their Transformation Journey.

Strategic Operations Vision                    

We accompany our clients in the definition of their new "Operations Strategy", helping them to visualize the opportunities they can achieve through the adoption of emerging digital capabilities and to define a path that allows them to maximize the value they can offer both at a business and operational level.

Strategy | Business Cases | Transformation Plan

Cost Savings and Efficiency               

One of the most important areas of our offer is based on helping our clients to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. To this end, we offer very specific services aimed at generating measurable results, both in the short and medium term.

Cost Reduction  | Operational Efficiency | Scalability

Process Transformation               

We help our clients to diagnose, rethink, define and model their processes and operations, with an orientation that allows them to take advantage of the potential offered by new technologies.

Process & Task Minning | Modeling | Simulation

Digitalization and Automation of Processes

Our "Digitalization and Automation" teams have the expertise and experience necessary to help our customers in their transformation journey, through the implementation of Digital, Automated and Intelligent Processes.

Low-Code | BPMs & DPA | RPA | IA

Processes powered by IA                       

We support and accompany our Clients in the identification, assessment and implementation stages of their initiatives focused on the adoption of AI in their processes and operations. We do it with a very pragmatic orientation and focused on the real expected value.

Virtual Assistants | Co-Pilots | Cognitive Services

Digital Ecosystem                        

The innovation and constant search for new technologies that allow our customers to improve the Experience, Efficiency or Control, is part of the DNA of our solution. To this end, we provide our customers with the capabilities and services offered by our Innovation Lab.

Innovation Lab| PoCs | PoVs

Departmental Solutions 2.0                       

We design and build agile solutions that allow our clients to transform the way they operate their main support areas. We do this with a practical and non-intrusive approach aimed at minimizing lead times and associated efforts.

Procurement | Legal | HR | Finance

Transformation BackOffice Services

We support our clients' Shared Service Centers to transform their service and management model, providing them with the necessary means to maximize their performance, ensuring the quality levels required by this type of centers.

OaaS | Operating Model | Management Model | Digital Platform


Through our new specialized firm 2.C Consulting, we offer the best for your business operations.

AML - Anti-Money Laundering Prevention

We support our clients in managing these operational risks from Customer Due Diligence (CDD), to transaction monitoring and reporting, using our in-house high performance FoQus (Machine Learning) solution.

Global Transaction Banking / Working Capital Solutions

We support our clients in the efficient execution of their day-to-day global transactions, ensuring that productivity and performance requirements are met.

Market products

We design world-class transformation projects for financial institutions to offer their supply chain finance, treasury management, trade finance or global debt financing products on an international scale, selecting and implementing the most suitable digital software for them.

Finance and accounting

We are committed to supporting our clients in this uncertain environment by delivering strategic solutions, achieving their objectives of optimisation and efficiency in monitoring, and mitigating all types of risks.

“  The best thing about working with this company is how close and flexible they are. They completely adapt to your needs, giving you the best talent.  ”
“  After working with Qaracter, I would describe them as the Cabify of consulting. They are complete innovators.  ”

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